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SING! Practice Materials

Music Scores

Practice Tracks

Haida Both Parts

Light the Legend Unison

Somewhere in my Memory Unison

Why we Sing Soprano

Why we Sing Both

Why we Sing Alto

Winter Dream Unison

Haida Piano Only

Light the Legend Piano Only

Somewhere in my Memory Piano Only

Why we Sing Piano Only

Winter Dreams Piano Only

Al Shlosha

Peace like a River Soprano

Peace like a River Alto

Wild Mountain Thyme

Asperitas Soprano

Arirang Alto

Arirang Soprano

Bee! Both Parts

Every Wave Alto

Every Wave Soprano

Hi Yo Ipsi Naya Both Parts

The Trout Alto

The Trout Soprano

Waters Ripple and Flow Alto

Waters Ripple and Flow Soprano

Waters Ripple and Flow Both Parts

Wau Bulan Both Parts



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