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Annual Summer Festival Guidebook

Your Organization at the Fingertips of  5K+ Households

Who will see your ads:

  • Our Readers Average income exceeds $150,000
  • 87% have undergraduate or graduate degrees
  • More than 40% have stock and bond portfolios valued over $500,000
  • 89% own their primary residence
  • More than 50% dine out more than once a week

Please contact us to discuss your placement in our next Festival Guidebook.

View the 2024 Guidebook

Since 1947 the Music Academy has fostered a uniquely joyful engagement with music. Each summer for eight weeks, 140 gifted classically-trained singers and instrumentalists gather in Santa Barbara to study and make music with illustrious guest artists, conductors, and faculty – all to the delight of participating audiences. We invite you to be a part of the incomparable Music Academy Summer Music Festival.

The Festival Guidebook is a top-quality, perfect-bound souvenir distributed at nearly 200 events throughout the Summer Music Festival. The Guidebook is also shared online through our website, and by email to over 14,000 patrons.



One of the most valuable benefits of subscribing is early access to our signature special events.
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Once logged in, if you have access to book the subscriber early-access event below, you will be prompted to choose your seats. Otherwise, you will be able to book this event on the single ticket on-sale date.